Plinth beam work is going on but same parking mistake

Today, my brother and I were going on my bike to bring estamp paper to make a rental agreement for our tenants.

While going, I took the internal route so I could see new construction works.

In my area, lots of construction work is going on… so anywhere I look, there is always some construction activity.

Buildings are built and are sold like fast-moving food in a hotel.

Anyway, while going, I saw a new house with plinth beam work going on. When I saw it, I noticed a terrible mistake any new owners make.

I don’t understand if it’s the owner’s or, builder’s or engineer’s mistake.

Most of them make this mistake. Mostly unknowingly. That’s what I assume.

From my point of view, at least the building contractor could have fixed or suggested the mistake to the homeowners once.

For some reason, this is not happening. Mostly, it’s not the contractor’s job to make you understand future problems.

It’s your responsibility to know the ins and outs of a building.

I’m doing my job in alerting and guiding you….

If you don’t want to commit the same sin done by many other users, tap on Parking Horror Guide and avoid making the same mistake as others.

More similar mistakes on this topic are shared on the below link if you need to explore more on this:


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