Ugly electrical boxes in the beam/wall

A few days back, all our family members attended our relatives weddings.

In one marriage, we had to stay in the rooms available in the function building.

It’s quite a good and a new marriage hall, to say.

We got 3 room keys for our family. In one room, I noticed something that happened in our first building.

That is, some unskilled electrician did the electrical work on that building, which affected the finishing look of the room.

I wish I could have taken some images of that spot.

Anyway, the same thing happened in our first building as well.

We unknowingly hired some unskilled electrician to do the electrical work. Because of this result, the same kind of issues also happened in multiple locations in our first building.

Hiring cheap or unskilled labourers always costs more than skilled labour.

The first building’s electricians used many more electrical materials, like pipes, wires, etc., than our second building’s skilled electricians.

It’s not just about the money…

Those unskilled electricians put electrical boxes in beams/walls, etc., which cannot be hidden. We have a few such spots in our first building.

I initially thought that our first building electrical contractor was the only one who was unskilled to do such electrical work.

I felt wrong after seeing the similar work in that room.

So, I just added another point inside the Electrical work guide regarding How to Pick the Right Electrical Contractor in the 1.5 section.

Go through that point, see the image, read the tip, and follow all the instructions while picking an electrical contractor for your building.

Not all contractors/labourers do the same standard work. Keep that in mind.

Choosing the right contractor is very important to get a quality output in your house construction.


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