A Cool Gas Cyclinder Chamber Design

Planning to do a Gas cylinder chamber outside your house? Then here is a cool concept yesterday I came across: https://youtube.com/shorts/q84oqX3RiTA?si=-ECMIdG3zZjLqm1Z If you are going to implement that design idea in your house, make sure to use heavier & more hinges to sustain cylinder weight. I’m personally not a fan of keeping cylinders outside the house. I didn’t implement a cylinder chamber outside the house in our second building for the same reason....

May 17, 2024 · P K Arun

Sliding Window Grill Design Mistake to Avoid

If you plan to use sliding windows in your building, you might be checking sliding window grill designs… Here, I won’t share a sliding window grill design collection. Instead, I will share the design I picked and used in my building. More importantly, the thing you need to remember regarding WELDING. I made the same mistake… But corrected as soon as I came to know about the mistake. When I learned, we already had a ground-floor window grill ready....

December 21, 2023

Bigger Main Gate = Bigger Problems Later

Me and my younger brother going on a bike to get a rental agreement for our rental property. He was driving… and I was sitting in the back seat. I saw the new construction building installed a Main Gate. I wouldn’t have sent this email if it was a normal gate. The gate height and width is like - 8 Feet. If you saw any film actor’s privacy gate, it looks similar but contains some design....

January 21, 2023

MS Fabrication material gauge checking tip

Hope everyone is done celebrating New Year. I’m not much into celebrating special days, but this year was different. I celebrated my daughter’s FIRST year birthday. So I took a break for quite a few days. The good thing is, I don’t need to ask any Boss to take Leave as mine is Internet-based work. Anyway, I’m back now. Currently, in our building, MS fabrication work is going on. I thought of sharing a small tip related to MS work....

January 3, 2023