How to Plan House Construction

If you are planning to start your house construction soon and don’t know where to start and how to start, then in this article, I’m going to share some details on it.

When you are ready to start the house construction work, there are a few things you need to be aware of and a few things you need to arrange.

Below, I will share a few such points from my experience.

1) Be mentally & physically ready to start the construction work:

This is the first thing you need to be aware of. You should be mentally and physically ready to start your construction work. Because once you start your construction, you will have no rest, physically and mentally. There are a lot of things you have to take care of suddenly.

You start your house construction work once you are physically and mentally ready.

2) Arrange sufficient Cash to build your house:

The next step is to arrange sufficient cash before you start your construction work. The cash could be yours, your relatives, friends or Loan.

Be prepared to arrange the sufficient cash required to build your house.

Even if you are going to take a Loan, you still need 50% of the construction cost. You have to start the work from your cash first; they will sanction the loan amount based on the work progress.

3) Have more number of people in the house:

When you start house construction, there are many things you need to take care of. Maintaining all the work with a single person won’t be easy. I recommend having a larger number of people in the house.

If you don’t have more users in your house, I recommend you bring any older adults who have in your family.

I recommend 3 people to have in your house. 1 person full-time on the site. 1 person to arrange any materials from outside. 1 person to bring coffee/tea or materials from your house to the construction site.

The more people you have in your house, the easier it is to handle the construction process.

4) Have some basic idea of what you need in a house:

Most of them have basic ideas about what they need in a house. So always have some ideas about what you need in your house and what you don’t need.

For example, do you need a duplex, numbers of rooms, number of toilet etc.,

It would help if you had that basic idea before you visit the Structural Engineer.

5) Visit your Structural Engineer for House Planning:

You need to visit your structural or civil engineer for house planning. Give preference to the structural engineer if possible.

Not all engineers are good.

Invest in better engineers to get what you want in your building. We changed our engineer when our first engineer said it was impossible to design as per our requirements.

And the new experienced engineer designed the building plan without any issue as per our requirement.

Don’t change your plan. Change engineer and see if other engineer can do as per your requirement.

6) Get any approval if required:

You need your building plan approval from some government department based on where you live. Get approval from the concerned department.

Sometimes, your engineer will help in the approval of the design plan.

Ask them once. Especially if the engineer is near your construction site.

7) Decide Material or Labour contract:

You need to decide whether to opt for a Material or labour contract. I’m not going to talk about those things here. Instead, I simply recommend you choose a Labour contract option if it is possible for you.

8) Before you hire your contractor:

Before hiring any contractor, I recommend you check out my products and understand everything in the material I shared there. Implement whatever I shared to protect yourself from future problems.

9) Hire your Labour/Building Contractor:

This is the first thing you must do when planning to start your house construction. I still don’t have any guide or product about this step yet. I will release it in future.

For now, you understand this. Hiring the right civil/building contractor is one of the most important steps.

If you hire the wrong person for this role, you will face issues till the completion of your house.

Make sure someone you know well strongly recommends your building contractor.

10) Follow the House Construction Steps:

Once you hire your building contractor, you can follow the house construction steps I shared here.

11) Learn from someone’s mistakes:

Making mistakes in house construction is costly in terms of time, money and comfort.

Don’t make mistakes and learn.

Learn from someone who did those and make changes in your house while building.

Alteration work always costs more money. It’s a waste of time and money. Try to learn in the beginning stage itself and fix the issue immediately.

We made many mistakes in our 1st house and fixed those things in our second house. I shared all my lessons in my products. You can check out my products if you want to learn from my mistakes.

If not, you can also consult your engineer in all stages of your house. It will be useful.

I cannot guarantee your engineer tips will always be useful. Whatever ideas I share inside my products come from my own experience. It’s not from engineer suggested stuff.

I also shared some of my useful tips in this blog for free. Go through all the articles to know such tips.

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