Bangalore users already started facing water issues.

If you watch the news, you may probably be aware of the issues currently going on in Banglore.

I don’t watch any news. Still, some serious news comes to me.

Anytime summer comes, water scarcity rises, and water tankers’ golden period starts.

Some tankers make good money. This is a golden period for them…

Here in Mysore, I still see some house sump water overflowing in the road even though they have metered connections.

It’s a waste of their money.

I see most houses build small sumps.

If a very small number of users are there, then it’s not an issue.

If more users are there, it’s not a good practice, especially in difficult times like the summer season.

I learned the number of times water comes reduced to 2 instead of 3 times per week here where I’m staying in Mysore.

The same issue has already started in some areas of Bangalore as well.

If you have a small sump, you won’t be able to keep sufficient water.

In both of our buildings, we have a lot of users. We were aware of this water issue…

This is not the first time we have seen this water issue.

So what did we do?

While building itself, we built a sufficient capacity sump to meet our needs.

We rarely face water issues.

If water doesn’t come for 20+ days, then we face issues.

When water comes, it holds enough water to easily maintain for at least 20 days without worrying.

When we were building the sump, our neighbours saw the sump and asked - why this big sump… kind of question.

When the Panchyath guy came for an inspection to approve the Panchyath water connection, he told me we couldn’t give a connection for this big sump and left.

We know why he acted like that.

We paid his bribe, and our connection was approved and gave a connection. That drama they play to get a bribe.

I recommend that you plan a sufficient capacity sump.

Don’t listen what your building contractor suggests for the building sump.

The bigger the capacity, the more money he loses. So all of them suggest 10,000 to 15,000 litres of sump.

We planned as per our requirements and built what we needed.

I shared the Sump size planning guide and Sump Size Calculator Excel sheet in my Sump Construction Guide.

This calculator is designed based on our real-time use case in our house. So you get a better result.

Not just that…

One more important thing everyone should implement while building a sump is mentioned in the 3.6.3 section in that guide. This tip is particularly useful in summertime!

We didn’t take care of that in our 1st first house. Later, we learned our lesson and implemented that in 2nd house.

The bigger the sump size, the more important that tip to follow.

You can learn more about this guide at the below link:


PS: Yesterday, I was working on some guides that are helpful for users who haven’t started their construction yet.

For a limited time, I offer special pricing. Keep an eye on my upcoming emails.