While working on my next upcoming guide on electrical contractor guide, I noticed outside my bedroom cum office room window – one molding work was going on from early morning to afternoon till 1PM. 

And at around 4 PM, laborers were making cement borders on RCC mold. 

The below is our building… not actual building i’m talking here.

Cement Border to stop water after molding

Cement Border to stop water after molding

It’s really good practice.

See, your contractor may tell you to do next day morning. If we do it now itself, shoe marks will come, etc., kind of reason they will give.

Don’t listen to such stuff.

All RCC mold will absorb more water in the first few days after molding. 

If you make cement boarder to stop water next day… you cannot stop water for almost 2 days

Because if the border is done next day after molding, the same day you cannot stop more water. 

If you try the same day, the cement border will break, and you must call the laborer to make it again.

That’s why no matter what your contractor tells you… don’t listen to anything. Just ask them to do it on the same day. 

_If you do same day, the next day early morning you can start curing RCC. _

You can also stop water a little bit on the first day… the next day, you can stop full water.

Also, don’t get scared if a little bit of a shoe mark comes while making the border… usually, those marks are covered after the granite/tiles work is done. It’s not a big deal.

Shoe mark on RCC mold due to making cement borders same day after molding work is over

Shoe mark on RCC mold due to making cement borders same day after molding work is over

Oh.. user who bought my cement pricing secret, remember I talked about molding time? Always remember most of the molding always starts early in the morning 😉 

For others who want to save on cement prices, check here.