House Construction Labour Cost

When you are ready to start house construction, you will start searching for a good building or labour contractor for your house. When you start enquiring about building contractors, you will be quoted different labour prices. Some contractors quote a little higher than other contractors for some reason. I’m not going to talk about those things here. Those important points are reserved for my upcoming Building Contractor Guide, where I share more details....

September 26, 2023

How Much Should I Pay for Architect

Today I thought of answering the one our customer question in this email. Below is the exact email he sent on 4/2/2023. I’m sorry for answering this question so late… That time, our house construction work was still ACTIVELY going on, and I didn’t have much mental bandwidth to answer immediately. Almost all the work is done, and we already rented out all the Units (both buildings), so I’m somewhat free now....

February 23, 2023