So many types of sites are available in the market, a lot of care should be taken while purchasing. In this article, we are going to mention a few points you need to remember while choosing the site.

All these points cannot be considered in most cases, but keeping all the below points will surely help in choosing the right site.

1) Main Road: The residential area main road should not be less than 27 to 30 feet so vehicles can move easily in both direction without having any traffic jam.

For residential purpose taking the site in the main road is not that advisable. Below are the few problems you will face if you take the site in the main road.

  • User cannot freely park vehicles outside the house due to a lot of vehicles will be moving on the main road. All parking should be done inside your parking space in most of the cases.
  • One more main disadvantages of main road site are, too much dust will be coming inside the house because of a lot of vehicle moving on the road.
  • Vehicle sound can disturb peaceful stay inside the house.

2) Residential area cross/sub road: The residential area crossroad/sub road should not be less than 20 feet to 25 feet.

3) Legal: The area site is approved by government authority. The legal status of the sites everything should be studied in-depth then study area site government rate per square feet and study the market rate of the area sites that are available.

Negotiate the rate with the seller and after discussion collect the documents. Don’t give any advance before getting confirmation from the legal authority.

4) Transportation: There should be a good transport facility such as railway, bus service, hospital, college, market, etc.,

5) Other Services: Other services such as water supply, drainage sewers, electrical lines, telephone lines, high-speed internet lines etc should be near to the site. So as to obtain their services without additional cost.

6) Water Source: Groundwater table (water source inside the ground) should be available in the site within 1000 feet. Do ask at what depth water is available in surrounding bore well.

7) Away from Commerical Buildings: Residential area site should be away from the commercial street, wine shops, workshops, factories such location are subjected to continuous noise.

8) Residential area site neighbors: Your site area nearby should not be any huts/sheds. It should be building only and well-cultured people.

9) Site Facing: Site facing also important role to purchase residential site. In view of this, contact the astrologer for a site facing a decision.