I opend my CCTV app on my phone and when I try to view cameras visuals… visuals open and suddenly stop showing.

This is some new issue I started facing in my new building. The reason is low WiFi signal. 

As it’s a new building, I haven’t done full proper networking setup. All the ports in my networking switch is already used. If I need to add more Wifi router, I need buy new network switch.

So for the time being I’m managing with only one wifi router in my new house. Which is not sufficient. 

If in case you are going to install CCTV system in your house then make sure to have proper wireless and wired network setup all around your house.

Video take lot of bandwidth than the Text data. If don’t have strong wifi signals, then CCTV visuals don’t properly show and you cannot really enjoy the benift of cctv to the fullest extent. 

Imagine some sound came… 

And you need to view immediately what is the best way to view?

Opening your mobile and checking cctv app. Not going to CCTV monitor and checking the visuals. 

If your Wifi signal is weak best of luck seeing the LIVE footage immediately. 

For your information you don’t need to have any internet plans to view footage on mobile if you staying in the home. It works without interent. In technical term it’s called “Local Network”.

So make sure have proper network all around your house if you need to enjoy such advanced features. Which many new home owner and professional builder miss due to lack of such knowledge and service providers in the market.

If need see my way of doing such proper network setup, then I explained everthing inside my Internet Everywhere.

Don’t just build house. Build feature reach and future proof house for next generation. 
