I just entered the room.

While my wife is making my 1.6-year daughter sleep.

She suddenly saw the fan and said, “Idiot fan… air not all coming here,” kind of world she shouted in the Kannada language.

Me… while standing outside the cot started explaining why you were not getting air there in your place and explained what our electrical contractor did mistake that time.

She didn’t respond back after I explained the reason. Her face is quite upset due to a fan air issue.

See… Our electrical contractor made a mistake one time. Now we have to face the issue lifetime.

We don’t have any option apart from having a new table fan.

There is no option to fix that ceiling fan…

We are still managing with our ceiling fan, which is having an issue (not fan issue).

When we built the first house that time we didn’t know about these issues.

Seems like our electrical contractor also doesn’t have that knowledge. He made a mistake and was gone.

If we at least knew this knowledge, we could have guided our electrical contractor properly.

We also don’t have any idea… he also doesn’t have any idea. The mistake happened, which is not able to fix it now.

That doesn’t mean all contractors will be like our first building contractor…

But some will definitely be there…

It is good to know some knowledge instead of relying only on contractors while constructing the house.

While building your house… Always learn from other’s mistakes. Don’t make mistakes and suffer issues lifelong (like us here in fan issue).

The fan issue, whatever happened in my case, I shared in my electrical contractor guide.

Know what happened and how you can avoid such mistakes in your building. There are many such simple tips shared in this guide.

There is no way I can fix the problem in our building now. At least you can avoid that:
