Yesterday at 11:20 PM, while working on my new guide, “Parking Horror”, in my new home office, I got a first refund request from a customer who bought my “All-Access Pass”.
He is a customer who is staying in abroad.
Here is what he sent in the mail:
Hi Arun,
I have glanced through part of the content & a high level view of the section. It is more of personal experience blog with some minor insights along with more local experience with feelings narration. The content nowhere near professional or organized to be sold as a product worthy of guiding people in self-constructing. I’m highly disappointed and it is not useful for me to any extent to start or execute my project. But definitely you have a lot of opportunity to cleanup, curate and transform into professional guidance with covering many unexplored entities of deeign, architecting, MEP planning for building automation, smart & green home buildings for future.
Given that it doesn’t serve my purpose, I would try finding home construction execution consultant to help with my journey in my City close to my sight, once im ready to execute the project next year. So, I request refund as the product is not worthy my time, investment and usage.
I wanted to answer this customer email in public so other future buyers would know what they are getting.
It is more of personal experience blog with some minor insights along with more local experience with feelings narration.
As this buyer points out, all the content inside the guide is built based on my experience.
That’s what I’m sharing here in my regular emails and my blog… it’s all from my own experience. I don’t know what this buyer is expecting from those guides.
He may want some big encyclopedia guide fully polished by professionals with bulk content.
If you want this, my guide is not for you. My guides are all short and straight to the point.
No one has time to read 100 pages of content.
For the Minor Insights point, he said he looked at a high-level view… and said minor insights.
If some genius sits and reads and understands what I’m sharing inside my guides can understand the value of those points. He simply glanced and now telling minor insights…
To learn those minor insights, I spent/lost thousands of rupees. I’m sharing those lessons inside for a fraction of the cost. If he doesn’t have the power to understand, I cannot help him.
transform into professional guidance with covering many unexplored entities of deeign, architecting, MEP planning for building automation, smart & green home buildings for future.
It looks like he went too deep again.
It seems like he was expecting some engineering concept, I guess. In this case, he bought from the wrong guy. The reason is I’m not a professional…
I’m a regular user who learned a few lessons about spending/losing thousands of rupees while constructing our house.
The same information I shared everywhere… How could he miss that?
That I’m not going to cover. It’s not my expertise… He better find some engineer blog to learn that stuff. Not from me.
I’m highly disappointed and it is not useful for me to any extent to start or execute my project.
You bought the wrong stuff…
So, I request refund as the product is not worthy my time, investment and usage.
No problem. I’m going to accept your refund request.
I wish him all the best for his upcoming construction project.
While working with him to send a refund, I removed his access to the course and blocked his email address from receiving further emails about my construction tips (not from direct contact).
I would be simply wasting his time by sending my emails.
If you don’t know, please remember. I’m not a professional.
I’m just a casual user who is sharing what I know and what I experienced.
For technical content, this is not the right place. You better look somewhere else.
If you enjoy my emails or content on my blog… you probably like my guides, which is available at: