Got the below question from one of our All-Access Pass Customer:
Hi Arun,
First of all thank you very much for sharing your experience and lessons learned in house construction. I am benefiting a lot after going through your articles.
I am planning to construct a house in Kochi, Kerala. Two floor house for own use. I have a couple of questions about the electrical system.
1. Is Busbar required for home use?
I think you used it because you have different houses for rental. Am I correct ?
2. You have used two electricity meters. May I know why? (Outdoor meter and 3 phase meter)
I am benefiting a lot after going through your articles.
Thanks for the appreciation.
I have a lot to share about this house construction concept. All the lessons I shared in my guides are learning by wasting lakhs of rupees of my money to construct our own house.
I created this blog & Paid Products to help others avoid making similar mistakes. In my paid products, I shared all my lessons so they can build their houses correctly and avoid costly mistakes they will make in their new building.
1) Is Busbar required for home use?
In short, YES and NO.
Yes, If you have –
Multiple houses in the building
If you have a borewell, you need 3-phase power. In that case, you need Busbar
Use any commercial or heavy equipment? Then Yes.
No, if you use power only for your own house and for residential purposes.
In the next email, I will share one of our real story about how Busbar helped in the rental property where we stayed.
2) You have used two electricity meters. May I know why? (Outdoor meter and 3-phase meter)
Yes. That’s right.
I used 3 Phase Meter for my Home meter and Outdoor meter for my General Purpose usage.
In our Building, we have our Own House and Rental Properties.
We need separate meters to track electricity consumption so we don’t mix our electricity usage with general purpose (Outdoor meter) usage, such as motor usage, outdoor lighting usage, etc. The electricity used on the Outdoor meter is chargeable to Tenants. So, to track properly, we kept a separate meter.
If your building is for your own purpose only, you can skip this meter (Outdoor meter).
I hope I answered your question. If you have any questions, feel free to ask by email.
The above customer discusses the material shared inside my Electrical Work Guide. For other readers It’s not shared on the blog. Don’t get confused.
In my Electrical Work Guide, I shared all important concepts related to electrical work in new buildings, along with photos, wherever necessary.
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