A few years back, We went to my engineer’s house/office to discuss building planning and design stuff.

He is a popular engineer who used to design even big apartments with swimming pool kind of projects.

He does all this work from his Home office with the help of a few trainee guys.

In his 3-floor building (G+3), his house is on the 1st floor, and his office is on the 3rd floor—the rest of the units he gave for rent.

So, my dad and I went to his office on the 3rd floor one day…

Took Internet Cable from

I noticed he took one internet cable from the window. Because of that, he always keeps that window open.

I asked our engineer why you did like this… and gave my idea about an alternative method.

That time he replied, “I didn’t get that idea that time.

Anyway, it’s not just that.

Internet Connection to

One Room only? 😲

He took an internet connection from some ISP (Internet Service Provider). If he had properly planned it, he could have used the same connection in his house, which is on the 1st floor, and if he wished, he could have distributed the same internet to all of his tenants by charging a little bit of money.

He didn’t plan about this before or know about the internet distribution concept. Now he is using internet service only in his office.

I didn’t discuss taking the internet to his house and distributing it to his rental units at that time.

I only gave an idea about a better way to take internet cable to his house instead of taking cable from the window.

That’s it.

I was not close to our engineer then, so I didn’t speak much.

Many users don’t know much about simple networking concepts and don’t understand how to use internet service from ISP to the full extent due to their limited networking knowledge.

I’m not going to blame our engineer or anyone else.

I have seen the same with many educated students as well.

See if you know the networking concept make sure to properly plan and implement it in your building so that the network should be available in every part of your building.

In that way, you can get justice for internet subscription charges that you or your future generation will pay monthly to connect to the world.

I already started working on my upcoming guide on this networking concept.

With this guide, you don’t need to know anything about networking. This guide will be specifically designed for new construction buildings so they can do it right and better way from the ground up.

Okay… it’s time for CCTV troubleshooting.

Our CCTV is not working from past few days. I don’t know what happened… it’s time for me and my brother to check that issue now.