All our tenants are college students. If you are a landlord and handle college students, you may be aware of the consequence of giving property to bachelors.

This is common to us, and we don’t stress much about damages…

Recently, one room student lost one Europa main door key. Any loss will always be collected from those tenants.

We charged a little and ordered a duplicate key from the Europa website.

Europa Locks has a feature where you can get original keys from the company. But it’s a little costly compared to local shop rates.

But whatever the key it comes, it always works like the original key…

You won’t face any difficulties like with local store-made keys. That’s why I strictly order from the company whenever I lose keys rather than trying local shop keys.

This is another feature I like about Europa Keys.

You order the duplicate key requirement by giving key details, key photos and make the payment. The duplicate key will be directly delivered to your house in a few days.

This duplicate key request feature is even more important if you are giving your property for rent. Because tenants always lose keys…

When buying locks for your brand-new house, keeping this point doesn’t hurt.

I have ordered duplicate keys from the Europa website many times. If they don’t have this feature, I may take losing the key seriously.

But Not now.
