For the past few days, I’ve been working on creating a Labour contract agreement template for our HCG All-Access Pass Buyers.
It’s like me sitting and thinking where and all the differences would come between owner and contractors, how those could be avoided, and some common problems owners must go through once the work is started.
From my end, I’m giving an agreement template, and from your end, you need to replace/delete the terms and conditions that are not required in your case.
These are not the type of agreements you see on Google. (ok. I’ve never seen how those are, honestly).
These are the agreements created from my own construction experiences and problems I noticed during our construction time.
Today, I added the Electrical Labour Contract Agreement Template inside the HCG All-Access Pass members area.
Don’t feel shy about having all the terms and conditions on paper. When a problem arises, these conditions could literally save you from losing money, headaches or verbal fights.
Suppose I had to do house construction again. In that case, I use all the agreement templates, whatever I’m providing inside the members’ area, without hesitation.
Please don’t get confused with the free agreement that I shared with my subscribers.
They don’t even come close to what you see inside the member’s area.
Currently, I don’t have any separate sales page for these. I focus on adding content inside the member’s area rather than writing a sales page for every guide.
If you want these agreement templates, you can get them by joining the HCG All-Access Pass.