Outdoor Lights Automation Coming Soon

This Saturday, we changed our second building’s outdoor light automation from one tech to another.

The previous one was self-made, and it worked fine. In fact, it has many more features than the current setup, but it also comes with many requirements to work.

So we decided to give it a try on this brand new device to make it simpler to operate.

Initially, we followed the straightforward guide mentioned in the device; after using it for a few days, we noticed a lot of disadvantages in using it as is…

So again, we changed to a different setup to suit our needs. This means we had a lot of experiments in wiring to make it work according to our needs.

My brother and I tried to do without my dad to prove we could do without him. But after wasting a few hours, we understood our skill level and called our dad to help fix the problem.

My dad is an electrical engineer, so I took his help to do a lot of experiments in setting up this outdoor light automation.

He came and did it in a few minutes.

Today, I brought my dad to my home office and asked him to sit and give me a wiring diagram to share in my guide…

He wrote it in a book, and I used some online tools to draw it cleanly…. He fixed some issues I did in my circuit diagram. The diagram came out well.

Now, it’s time for me to work on a guide.

I haven’t yet started writing it yet. Within a few days, I will start and share the guide…

Keep watching if this is something you are interested in.

I will share more details once the guide is ready.

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