A Foot Care Tip for all house construction users

Today, around 4PM, I casually spoke with the opposite house aunty. The topic is diabetes…

While speaking, they shared one incident that I want to share here.

She is explaining how one of our neighbour’s aunty who had diabetes got hurt during their house construction and how long it took to cure the infection, & how it happened.

It’s not just that Aunty got hurt in their house construction. Even in our family, My dad and I got hurt during our house construction.

That wound mark is still there on my foot even after 3 years, like the Big X mark.

Why and how it happens?

When the centring team start working on the building, they must use lots of nails. After the work, their nails were still left on the building. During curing, your floor is filled with lots of water, and you won’t see where what is there.

So, by mistake, we sometimes keep our foot on such nails. This is the reason why my dad got a wound on his foot.

For me?

When bar benders finish their bar bending work during RCC work and during moulding time, we go to RCC to check the work.

That time, I got steel bar scratched foot while walking on RCC.

In all such incidents, you should be careful enough, or else you will get hurt on your foot.

Especially if you are a diabetes patient, you should be extra careful with such events.

I don’t recommend diabetes patient going on RCC before concrete work is over for your safety.

I suggest using thicker sole waterproof and anti-slip slippers to prevent getting hurt on your foot. These types of chappals are used by building contractor labourers. I recommend those.

Here somewhat similar product:


Those chappals look ugly, but they are the right footwear. I recommend using them during your house construction time for foot safety.

I bought similar kinds of chapples for my dad. But he was not using saying they are not comfortable. Once he got hurt, he started using them.

That’s it for today.


PS: More valuable, cost saving, and important tips are shared inside my products. I recommend every first-timer get it before starting your construction work.

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